ICADA Certified Cosmetics

ICADA is the European service and lobbying organization for SMEs (small and medium enterprises) in the following fields:

  • Preparative cosmetics
  • Skin treatment apparatus
  • Natural detergents and cleaners
  • Dietary supplements and foods

To receive the ICADA certificate for natural cosmetics, the following standards must be met:

Natural substances are used or derived using physical processes. Four sources can be distinguished:

  1. Raw vegetable materials. These must come from certified organic material (certified organic) as far as possible and are arranged on a positive list. The exception is made when the availability of organic raw materials and other special raw materials are lacking. These materials may be derived from certified wild collection, and if not possible, from non-organic materials. 
  2. Animal raw materials. The use of substances that are traditionally obtained from live animals such as milk, honey or silk is allowed. The use of raw materials from dead animals such as mink oil, animal fat or fat marmot, however, are not permitted.
    Raw materials that have not been used before 01.01.1998 in the cosmetics industry may be used only if they have not been tested on animals.
  3. Biotechnological cosmetic raw materials. Since microorganisms are part of nature, occurring in plants and animals, their metabolic products are allowed to be used as components of organic and natural cosmetics. However, the use of GMOs have been banned.
  4. Mineral and inorganic materials. Minerals in any state are part of nature and thus allowed. Inorganic salts, acids and alkali such as sodium chloride or magnesium sulfate, which may be caused by processes in nature, are allowed.

Natural product derivatives are permitted if the natural product is not sufficient as a raw material source. They must also be prepared on the basis of well-defined procedures and proof of environmental compatibility.

Fragrances and flavours must of course be within the framework of the ISONorm9235. Even substances that are based on the derivation of natural production (e.g. biotechnological) are approved.

Synthetic materials restricted to defined applications. In order to offer a microbiologically impeccable quality for consumers of organic and natural cosmetics, only well-defined preservatives may be used. These are

  • Benzoic acid and its salts
  • Sorbic acid and its salts
  • Formic acid
  • Salicylic acid and its salts
  • Propionic acid and its salts
  • Benzyl alcohol

What is consciously forgone in organic & natural cosmetics?

  • Synthetic fragrances, silicones, mineral oil products, etc.
  • Radioactive radiation of products used for the reduction of germs 
  • Packaging that is harmful to nature such as halogenated plastics

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ICADA: 251 products

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